
Non-Toxic Tips to Remove Hard Water Stains

Most of the households face hard water stains. That means the tub, faucets, dishwasher and other appliances are often covered with the mineral deposits. Hard water contains minerals and lime that stain the surfaces and it can also clog the shower heads. As there are many different house cleaning items available to clean the limescale but it can damage the lungs and other parts of your body.


Follow few non-toxic tips by House Cleaning Palm Beach Gardens to remove the hard water stains completely.  


During the house cleaning process you should rub a lemon rind over the faucet and then you should soak some paper towels in the vinegar solution and cover them over the faucets. Let them sit for almost 1 hour and then remove them to get a sparkling chrome faucet.


When house cleaning you should remove the showerhead and then soak it in the white vinegar solution for few hours. After that you should scrub them thoroughly and rinse it with the plain water and put them back on again.

Shower doors:

If you want to remove the streaky mineral deposits from your shower doors during the house cleaning you need to spray it with the white vinegar solution before you wipe them down.

Another solution that you can use for house cleaning is white wine. Pour one glass of wine to clear the grit away.


During the house cleaning process all you need to do is pour some white vinegar in the empty dishwasher of yours and then run it through the whole full complete empty cycle. This way you can keep your dishwasher clean and germ free. Repeat this process at least once a month to keep your dishwasher working optimally.

Bath mat:

During the house cleaning process, you can use white vinegar that can both clean and disinfect your bathroom mats. Just pour over your bathroom mats and cover it with vinegar to so that it gets coated and then leave it for at least one hour. After that you need to take a brush and scrub the bathroom mats thoroughly before you rinse it with the warm water solution.


During the house cleaning, grab a can of cola that can work on the hard water stains that are left in your toilet bowl. All you need to do is just open the cola can and then pour it in the toilet bowl and leave it for at least one hour & flush it. You can even use three cups of vinegar solution for this process.  

Coffee maker:

During the house cleaning process you can fill the water reservoir with vinegar and then run your coffee maker through a complete brewing cycle. Repeat this process twice to brew the cycle by using just plain water.


When house cleaning, if you want to keep your glasses streak free just soak it in the vinegar for 15 minutes before your rinse it.


➤For house organization you can call your local House Cleaning Palm Beach Gardens experts.